Support PatiBell
Support PatiBell

Account & Support

Your support (ie.donations) is to keep us running free of charge. We do not charge subscriptions, our main goal is to help you find “The One” or help you determine if you are with your “One."

PayPal Checkout is a safe, simple, and easy way to make purchases online. It eliminates the need to carry your credit cards on your person at all times.

To purchase a  support using PayPal Checkout, simply follow these steps:

  1. On the Main Page page, select a support package and click on “Start Here”.
  2. On the payment screen, select “Visa Checkout” from the payment options.
  3. At the shopping cart scroll down and agree to terms and conditions by clicking on the “Checkout” button.
  4. Follow the prompts to sign in to your existing Visa Checkout account or set up a new one.
  5. At the PayPal Payment Page choose how to pay, and then click the Pay button.

A confirmation will appear on the screen advising you the payment was successful. This indicates your support is now active on the site.

When you give your support, you may see one or more "extra" transactions pending on your account as a result of authorization attempts made to your credit card. Whether these authorization attempts appear to you depends on your financial institution's policies, and they should automatically drop off your statement once the real transaction has completed. Your financial institution can also confirm that no other actual charges have been made to your account once your support transaction is complete.

If you see more than one posted transaction within a short period of time, please contact our Customer Care team and we’ll be happy to assist you.

The difference between the account created with or without the support is NONE. All PatiBell accounts have the same features and functionalities.