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Understanding Relationship Compatibility Factors

Understanding Relationship Compatibility Factors

By Gabrielle Applebury | M.A., Marriage and Family Therapy

You've heard the phrase opposites attract. But are they compatible? Compatibility is much more than just getting along with your significant other. It's knowing that your significant other has compatible views and opinions on some of the most important issues in your life. Most couples who are not compatible have relationship problems that lead to a break up.

What Is Compatibility in a Relationship?

When you first meet someone, you get to know the person by talking about experiences and worldviews. You might even take a new relationship compatibility test. As you continue to date the person, you start to realize that your boyfriend or girlfriend is either a lot like you or very different from you. As you probably have guessed, if he or she is like you, you are compatible with the person. However, if your significant other is different from you, it doesn't always mean you are not compatible with him or her.