PatiBell FAQ
PatiBell FAQ


Start by answering all the questions. The Compatibility Score between you and your matches indicates how compatible you are with them. Compatibility Scores are based on a balanced ratio of similarities and contrasts that are the result of the Compatibility Questionnaire that all members complete upon start.

For singles:

When we find someone compatible with you with 75% of the same answers, we email both of you and ask you to login and confirm that your answers are still the same.

You will then be asked to upload your most recently photo and confirm we can share your information to your potential match.
Once both parties approve the potential match, we will connect you to arrange a date.

For couples in a relationship:

Once both partners answer our questions, we will ask for your consent and share your answers with each other to see how compatible you are to each other.

Complete the necessary information and give 100% genuine answers. Do not give false information because this will create additional problems for you later on. If you plan to give false information we advise you to close this tab and not answer our questions. We want honest applicants.

Complete & Update Your Profile

One of the best ways to have a compatible match and if you are with the one is to fill out your profile with photo and truthful  information that helps our system to identify the compatible individual for you. answering the questioner truthfully helps PatiBell find you the one or if you are with the one.

Update Your Survey

Go to your Account Dashboard, then click on My Questions to update the answers to your questioner to help improve our match system to find you the one or if you are with the one.

We do not match people according to their looks but according to their past, present and future goals. Once we have all your answers, we will hold on to them until a person has registered on our system and provided answers that match yours to 70% compatibility. When this happens, you will both get an email notification from us and will be asked to post a few recent photos of yourselves. In case you are interested to proceed with the match, we will connect you.