PatiBell FAQ
PatiBell FAQ

Account Settings

Unfortunately for everyone, sometimes there are users that engage in inappropriate behavior on PatiBell. At PatiBell, we're serious about maintaining the integrity of our member community so you can have the best possible experience on our site. PatiBell has rules about what a user can and cannot do, and if we believe that a user has violated our rules, PatiBell may terminate or suspend that user at any time without notice. If PatiBell terminates a user’s account for inappropriate behavior, the user will not be entitled to any refund of support our cause.

A full description of what constitutes inappropriate content or behavior is available in the Terms of Use, but includes:

  • Requesting money from another member.
  • Trying to sell another member merchandise or services.
  • Putting contact information in your profile or on your photo.
  • Sending harassing or offensive emails.
  • Using the site when married (and not separated) or as a minor.
  • Using an inappropriate profile or photos or sending inappropriate correspondence or photos on the site, or sending inappropriate photos or correspondence via email or text message.
  • Behaving inappropriately during or after meeting in person.

Changing your password is done through the "Forgot your password?" link found on the sign in page.

Click the "Forgot your password?" link and then enter your registered email address. After clicking the Send Email button, you will receive a password reset link. You will have 24 hours to update your password or you will need to complete these steps again.

Remember, your new password can be a combination of numbers, letters, and special characters such as _ :) ; / ]*!@ [ . Passwords must contain 8 to 100 characters.

You can update the following information any time by accessing the My Account Information page under your My Account tab (the user icon).

  • Username
  • Email
  • Birth date (we use your birth date to figure out the age your profile displays)

To locate and edit information on the list above, simply follow these steps:

Sign in with your email address and password. Click on the my account button in the top menu at the top of the page. Click on My Account button you will will be redirected to the User Dashboard inside the My Account information/form make the necessary changes and click the update my account button.

Trouble Updating an Email Address

When updating your account information, remember that an email address can only be associated with one PatiBell account. If your new email address is not being accepted, it may be linked to an account you set up in the past. Click on forget password link at the sign in page and enter the email address in question, and we'll send you information about reset this account password.

If you have received emails asking for "confirmation" of your username and password. These are nothing more than phishing scams attempting to collect members' sign-in information. Remember, PatiBell will never send emails asking for personal or account information, and certainly not for financial information.

Suspicious emails can be forwarded to Be sure to include the word "phishing" in the subject line. While we won't respond to each submission, we do thank you for letting us know when you see fraudulent emails like these.

If you responded to a phishing email with your sign-in information, go to sign click on forgot password and reset your password, then sign in your account immediately and change your username..

If your sign-in information no longer works, contact us immediately.

To sign out of your PatiBell account, simply move your cursor over the sign out button in the top navigation bar, and click on Sign Out button.

If you're using a shared or public computer (for example: at the library, at a school, or a public computer anywhere), we always suggest clearing the browser's cookies on the computer you have used before walking away. Clear cookies from PatiBell by clicking here.

To sign into PatiBell, go to click on the START button to begin the process. If you have forgotten your password, click on the forgot password button and enter your email address. An email with instructions on how to reset your password will be sent to that email address if it is associated to a PatiBell user account.

If you delete your account:

  • You won’t be able to reactivate your account.
  • You will have 30 days to cancel your account deletion by requesting in written to our customer services to do it, after the 30 days you won’t be able to access your account or retrieve any information from it.
  • Your profile, photos and everything else you’ve added will be permanently deleted.
  • You’ll no longer be able to use same email to create a new PatiBell account.
  • You won’t be able to use your login for other PatiBell account.
  • Some information, like messages you sent to matches, may still be visible to them after you delete your account. Copies of messages you have sent are stored in your matches inboxes.

If you are receiving an error message when you attempt to sign in or use your password to make changes to your account settings, please review the following troubleshooting tips to help get you on your way:

Email Address/Username/Password Issue

Hopefully, this is a simple matter of entering the right email address/Username and password. If your password auto-populates for you, try typing the password in manually. If that doesn't work, click on the forgot password button to enter your registered email address and we will send you a password reset email.


We take security very seriously at PatiBell. Unfortunately, that means that sometimes honest members have their IP address mistakenly blocked. If a mistake has been made on our part, please contact us immediately so we can make it right.

Some other possibilities:

If you reset your password using the Forgot Password form but you're still unable to sign in, make sure you're accessing the sign-in page by navigating to

If your email address is not recognized in the Forgot Password field, make sure you are entering the email address associated with your PatiBell account. If you have multiple PatiBell accounts, make sure you enter the right one.

If you're sure you have the right email address, and it's not being accepted, there may be a larger issue to address. Contact us, and we'll get it taken care of as quickly as possible.

If you are copying and pasting your password into the password field, be sure you did not copy a blank space before or after the password.

Still Not Working - Contact Us

It was worth a shot. If we haven't been able to resolve your situation with the information above, please contact us. To help us find your account, make sure to include in your message your full name, email address, username, and ZIP code, along with a description of what happens when you try to sign in, including any error messages.