About PatiBell
About PatiBell

Connecting Compatible Individuals

About PatiBell

Compatibility in a relationship means that both partners understand, accept, and respect each other's values and goals, as well as genuinely enjoy being around each other without feeling preoccupied by what they feel needs to change within their partner.

Having chemistry in relationships and being compatible with someone are not always the same thing. A lot of relationship advice glosses over the concepts of compatibility and chemistry, assuming most people have an intuitive grasp of what these two words mean and why they’re so important to a successful relationship.

When looking to meet someone that you're compatible with in many ways, for instance, you’re both big on family, you like taking things slow, and you both share the same love for obscure horror films. And yet for some reason, something about the relationship just doesn’t feel complete. If this situation resonates with you, experts say you may be staying with someone for the wrong reasons.

Relationship compatibility is important for long-term relationship success. But you shouldn’t be with someone just because they’re a great match on paper. According to experts, knowing the difference between being in a compatible relationship and a loving one can prevent you from staying in a relationship that isn't built on actual feelings.

“Compatibility means that you get along with somebody very well," Vikki Ziegler, relationship expert and author of The Pre-Marital Planner, tells Bustle. You're probably aware of what that looks like. When you're compatible with someone, you enjoy each other’s company, you like the similar hobbies, and most importantly, you have similar views what you want in the future.